Wondering how to have the best summer hair?
Here are a few of my favorites:
- The number one rule I give my clients about being in the pool or ocean is to get your hair good and wet first! Think of a sponge that is dry and you drop it into a bucket of bleach, it is going to absorb a LOT more chlorine than if it was already saturated with water.
- Sunscreen is just as important for your expensive hair color as it is for your skin. Here are a couple of products I recommend to my clients. Schwarzkopf Sun Protect and Trinty Hair Tonic.
- Saltwater and chlorine both are extremely drying to your hair. Consider applying oil such as Moroccan oil or curls serum to your ends to rehydrate after exposure.
- Keep your hair in a bun or a braid. You will protect much of the hair surface from exposure if you are wearing it in a cute messy bun like this or in a braid.
Hope these help you skate through your summer with beautiful locks!
Thanks for stopping by our blog,
Michon KesslerÂ
For the Haven Team